Thursday, September 11, 2008

Imagine my surprise…

I've been doing a lot of reviewing, lately. Writing, as well, but the ratio weighs heavily towards going through what I have, and altering it. Creating new material is a small fraction of what I've done the past week or so.

So imagine my surprise when I discover not only that, in my manuscript, I reach a page titled "END OF PART ONE", but that I agree with it.

It's been a long time since I've read through the whole story. Mostly, I've been focusing on the beginning chapters, because I believe that to continue into the rest of the story, you need a foundation for the story to stand on. This foundation doesn't need to be rock-solid, but it should hold up to passing scrutiny, which means getting rid of plot holes or inconsistency, spelling and grammar mistakes, (all of which can nag at me, and casts an unfavorable pall on the entire project), and have it bear some resemblance to the story I want told. So, imagine my surprise when I discovered that I've done just that. I have 125 pages of story that, while imperfect, I'm reasonably happy with.

And it only took a year and a half.

Next, PART TWO! Of SIX! Woo!!!


Wish me luck.



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